Samantha Lewthwaite, the British-born “white widow” terrorist whose husband was a suicide bomber in the 2005  attack on London’s subway and bus system, may have been among the attackers on Nairobi’s Westgate Mall and probably was killed, A Kenyan minister suggested.

“From the information that we have, two or three Americans (were involved) and I think, so far, I have heard of one Brit… a woman … and I think she has done this many times before,”   Kenyan foreign minister Amina Mohamed told PBS.


The country’s Interior Minister had said that all of the terrorists were male, but the contradiction might be explained by the fact that some of the terrorists were thought to have dressed as women.

The London Daily Mail reported, “A senior Kenyan anti-terror officer yesterday claimed: ‘We believe she was commanding the operation but her fate is not yet known. It is understood she was a sniper also.’” Lewthwaite converted to Islam and who was married to suicide bomber Jermaine Lindsay. She disappeared from Britain last year and was wanted by Kenyan authorities for suspected terrorist activities.

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