Photo Credit: Faber
A server farm (illustration)

Defying the news about boycotts of Israel and the fears of investors because of the political instability, on Tuesday, the giant online vendor Amazon joined chipmaker Intel which is investing $25 billion in a new plant in Kiryat Gat. Amazon announced on Tuesday that it plans to invest $7.3 billion (NIS 26.6 billion) in Israel by the year 2037.

The investment is part of Amazon’s launch of a cloud computing infrastructure area (AWS) in Tel Aviv.


According to Amazon, the construction and operation of the complex will add $13.9 billion (NIS 51.7 billion) to Israel’s GDP, which is between $1.5 and 1.8 trillion.

Amazon expects the AWS Israel region to allow customers to run applications and store their information securely in Israel and to serve end-users even faster, with higher efficiency, and quicker business processes, and improve the performance of real-time applications.

According to the company, “Customers will also have access to advanced AWS technologies that enable the acceleration of innovation, including computing services, storage, communication, business applications, development tools, data analysis, information security, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI).”

Amazon estimates that the new AWS Israel region will support more than 7,700 jobs, on an annual average.

Among Amazon’s prominent clients in Israel are Bank Hapoalim and Bank Leumi, Amdocs, Wix, Sentinel One, Monday, J. Frog, Cyberark, ACL, Harel Insurance and Migdal Insurance, and the Phoenix, Paz, Tnuva, and Wiz.

Among its government clients are Ayalon Routes, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Health, the Consumer Protection Authority, the Technion, the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, and the Weizmann Institute.

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