Photo Credit: Shahar Azran
Israel Bonds President & CEO Dani Naveh speaking in New York City, November 13, 2023.

Israel Bonds surpassed $2.7 billion in worldwide investments during 2023, a record-breaking total in the organization’s 72-year history, more than doubling its average annual sales.

“Israel Bonds demonstrated its strength as a meaningful powerhouse and a reliable resource for the State of Israel, especially in the crucial months following the onset of the Israel-Hamas war, and will continue the campaign in full force throughout 2024,” said Dani Naveh, President and CEO of Israel Bonds.


A year that began on a festive note, as Israel Bonds commemorated the Jewish state’s milestone 75th anniversary later turned somber with the October 7 Hamas massacre. Yet at Israel’s darkest moment, Israel Bonds produced its most significant accomplishments — securing an additional $1 billion in such investments by the war’s 30-day mark. This historic groundswell of investments included purchases from more than 15 U.S. state and municipal governments and institutions.

“Although so many of us across the global Jewish community will remember 2023 as the year of the brutal Hamas massacre, Israel Bonds will also remember it as a year when we not only met all challenges head-on but also surpassed all expectations, showcasing the true spirit of excellence while we bolstered Israel’s economy during wartime. For as long as the war lasts, and then in the peaceful days that we are all hoping and praying for, Israel Bonds will work tirelessly to ensure that the country we hold close to our hearts continues to thrive,” Naveh stated.

Of the 2023 $2.7 billion investments, more than $2.3 billion came from U.S. investors of which over $1.1 billion were investments by states, local governments, and other financial institutions. This year, Israel Bonds also reached the milestone of $50 billion in global investments since the organization’s founding in 1951.

“Israel Bonds produced record-breaking sales in 2023. But it’s not only about the money,” said Howard L. Goldstein, Chairman of the Israel Bonds National and International Board of Directors. “An Israel bond is more than a financial instrument and the State of Israel is not just a state, but a state of mind. Investing in Israel Bonds means standing strong for Israel, its people, and its future. This was clearer than ever in 2023, especially once the war made our work more important than ever. Am Yisrael Chai.”

Development Corporation for Israel (known as Israel Bonds) and its affiliates around the world have generated more than $50 billion in investments since it was founded 72 years ago.

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