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Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Arie Zaban on Monday announced receiving the biggest donation in the school’s history and among the biggest ever donated to an Israeli university, a $260 million investment to be used in scientific study.

The donor, who wished to remain anonymous, is a North American Jew and graduate of Columbia University who fought in World War II. He saw Israel as a safe haven for the Jewish people and was committed to its economic and social stability. He chose Bar-Ilan University as the research institution best able to undertake the great task of expanding science-based technological resilience in Israel.


Prof. Zaban explained the purpose of the generous gift: “The donor, a man of broad academic education, believed that the development of Israel’s technological resilience relies primarily on breakthrough science. During his visits to Israel, he recognized the significant impact Bar-Ilan University has made in key areas thanks to its science-based infrastructure and deep connections to all sectors of Israeli society. This gift will be invested in the development of Deep Tech sciences and has the potential to positively influence the future of Israel and humanity. This gift will enable us to start implementing our new vision for the future. However, this is just the beginning and I call upon others to partner with us as we create lasting change for our society, economy, and the world at large.”

Bar-Ilan University will recruit dozens of outstanding researchers in Deep Tech science fields such as energy, environment, cryptography, bio-convergence, quantum, AI, and natural language processing.

Working with stakeholders and future partners from outside academia such as the hi-tech industry, the public sector, and the healthcare system, Bar-Ilan will take the lead in building advanced research laboratories, supporting advanced degree students, and creating state-of-the-art innovation hubs. By developing science-based solutions, our efforts, led by Bar-Ilan researchers, will work toward addressing the challenges to Israel’s technological resilience.

“We have a mission,” Prof. Zaban said at the annual Board of Trustees meeting, “Today, more than ever, Israel needs support and investment in its science and human capital. Our research-driven technological resilience is the key to a thriving society and economy.”

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