Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
United Hatzalah’s ‘Symphony of the Stars’ charity concert at the United Palace in New York City, December 16, 2023.

On a vibrant Saturday night, the United Palace in New York City played host to the captivating Symphony of the Stars charity concert, orchestrated by United Hatzalah, Israel’s national volunteer-based emergency medical service (EMS). Dedicated to delivering swift and free emergency medical first response across Israel, the organization witnessed an impressive turnout of 3,500 attendees, raising a substantial $250,000 in support of its lifesaving mission.

The concert featured a stellar lineup of Jewish music luminaries, including Benny Friedman, Ishay Ribo, Avraham Fried, Shulem Lemmer, and Mordechai Shapiro, who left an enduring impression on the audience. A harmonious fusion of diverse musical styles united the singers in creating a tapestry that resonated across varied audiences, resulting in an extraordinary and unforgettable night. Avrumy Jordan, Major Gifts Officer for the Tristate Area at United Hatzalah, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “The evening was a tremendous success from all sides. Singers said the atmosphere felt like the concert was happening in Israel, and concertgoers told me it was the most incredible concert N.Y. had ever seen.”


Beyond the musical enchantment, the Symphony of the Stars concert carried deeper significance. United Hatzalah volunteers, often at the forefront of emergency responses, were among the initial responders to the October 7th Hamas massacre in Israel. The event aimed to pay tribute to these volunteers, celebrating Jewish unity and pride during challenging times for the Jewish people.

“We are immensely grateful for the outpouring of support during this challenging time. The Symphony of the Stars was not just a concert; it was a collective expression of solidarity and strength,” remarked Eli Beer, President and Founder of United Hatzalah. “Not only did everyone have an amazing time, but by doing so, they allowed us to continue to equip and train our volunteers to provide the fastest and free emergency medical response throughout Israel when it’s more needed than ever.”

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