Jewish Democrats Break Godwin’s Law, Compare Trump to History’s Worst Mass Murderer

The ad is part of a $1 million JDC ad campaign. Presumably, they could devote the next one to Adolf Eichmann, you know the drill.

Trump to Address Republican Jews in Vegas Via Satellite on Thursday

“With President Trump, we had historic peace and security in the Middle East; with Kamala Harris, we have chaos and war."

German Ultranationalist AfD May Win Thuringia in State Election

The “far right” could take over a German state for the first time since 1945.

Dems Fear Repeat of 1968 Chicago Convention with Pro-Hamas Replacing Anti-Vietnam Protesters

Pro-Israel activists claim they're facing unfair treatment, stating they've been denied permission to march in Chicago's streets.

Trump Launches Coalition to Fight Antisemitism, Says Pro Hamas Protesters ‘Going Loco’

The thing is, on September 16, 2020, a Trump Campaign press release already proclaimed launching 'Jewish Voices for Trump.'

Republicans Could Help Oust Ilhan Omar on Tuesday

The nice folks from AIPAC gave Samuels $5,000. In 2022, he received $350,000 from United Democracy Project.

Venezuela’s Dictator Maduro Blames Israel for Civil Unrest

"The use of these types of age-old tropes fans the flames of Jew hatred in Latin America and throughout the world."

US Charging Pakistani Man with Iranian Ties Who Plotted to Assassinate Trump, Others

While US officials claim Merchant has been cooperative since his arrest, his legal representation vehemently denies this assertion, calling it "inaccurate" and "irresponsible."

Trump to Bibi: Kamala Harris ‘Certainly Disrespectful to Israel’

The former U.S. president and Republican nominee met the Israeli prime minister for the first time since he left the White House.

A Vindictive Pelosi Blasted for Demeaning Netanyahu’s Speech

Nadler lost a lot of credit with me by suggesting Netanyahu is willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of IDF soldiers to save his hide.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Biden Tells Youth Culture Interviewer He Is a Zionist Who Did More than Anyone...

Speedy Morman asked why a Muslim or an Arab American would vote for him, given his Zionist status.

Trump’s Shooter: Quiet, Withdrawn, Three Names

Some students speculated that he might one day become a school shooter. Boy were they wrong.

Will Trump Benefit in the Polls from Saturday’s Shooting?

10% of survey respondents believed forceful action was warranted to prevent Donald Trump from assuming the presidency.

Labour’s Muslim Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood Is BDS Supporter but Also Condemned Hamas

The MP for Birmingham Ladywood since 2010 is a long-time supporter of BDS against Israel, and a regular at anti-Israel rallies.

Netanyahu’s Confidante Meyer Habib Lost his Assembly Seat to Macron’s Candidate

Habib has been considered PM Benjamin Netanyahu's confidant for years and was involved in various aspects of the relationship between Israel and France during Netanyahu's tenure.

Dems Fight GOP Bill Requiring Voters’ Proof of Citizenship

The most likely cause for noncitizens registering to vote are State DMV officials who are trained to inquire if while renewing their motor vehicle licenses.

Manchester Mosque Apologizes for Calling Invited Rabbi ‘Child killer’

“We regret what has happened,” said the Masjid Bilal Islamic Center.

Labour Targets 24 Muslim Districts Where Pro-Hamas Vote Will Go to George Galloway’s Socialists

Labour's position has angered many of Britain's 3.9 million Muslims, who constitute 6.5% of the country's population.

Labor and Meretz Unite as ‘The Democrats’ under Yair Golan, Hoping to Salvage Israel’s...

The deal also includes the unification of the parties' institutions, so it is not merely a technical block ahead of the next election, but the creation of a new party.

Nationalist Right Dominates France’s First Round of Snap Elections

The composition of the upcoming legislature hinges significantly on how Macron and left-wing parties guide their supporters in the next vote.

Retired Fighter Pilot Declares War on the Anarchists

“The people of Israel have suffered enough years from a lordly tyranny."

Mark your Calendars: Bibi to Speak to Congress on July 24 (Kramer’s Birthday)

Conclusion: Bibi should fly on July 23, and take a car. Also, isn’t it time to chuck Schumer?

Ahmadinejad Running to Replace Fallen President Raisi

He refused to call Israel by name, calling it the “Zionist regime” instead.

Trump Says Biden Uses Gestapo Tactics to Win the Presidency

“And it’s the only thing they have. And it’s the only way they’re going to win, in their opinion."

Smotrich Excited as Trump No Longer Supports 2-State for Now

History and vengeance are so fungible when you’re Donald J. trump.

Trump: Few Hostages Are Still Alive

Hamas could commit to releasing 40 hostages in total, all of whom may or may not be alive.

MK Gilad Kariv Makes a Big Racket and Carries a Tiny Stick

MK Gilad Kariv has degraded his public reputation from responsible politician to party hack.


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