President Joe Biden in his farewell speech Monday night at the Chicago Democratic convention described former President Donald Trump as a menace to democracy and cited, among other examples, Trump’s unfortunate reference to the clashes between Unite the Right neo-Nazis and counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying there were very fine people on both sides. And then Biden himself stated:

“Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.”


If you ignore the fact that one side, Hamas, invaded the other side’s homes, raped, mutilated, burned, and murdered civilians, with the support of thousands of bloodthirsty civilians that followed the attackers from Gaza and did their own robbing, raping, and murdering, until at some point the victims’ army managed to launch its own attack, then, yes, “a lot of innocent civilians are being killed on both sides.”

If there are innocent civilians among Gaza’s Arabs, they are being killed because a murderous terror organization is using them as human shields in hospitals, schools, mosques – wherever Gazan innocents can be rounded up to protect the terrorists with their bodies.

History will judge which of the two presidents sacrificed more of his dignity to appease his more dangerous voters: Trump for embracing the “good” Nazis, or Biden for doing the same with pro-Hamas protesters. In both cases, the crazed mobs being cuddled are voraciously antisemitic.

Biden’s Gaza moment came at minute 37 of his convention speech. If you rewind the video above, you’ll see the four-minute standing ovation by ecstatic Democratic delegates who only three weeks ago saw Biden as the old man whose vanity would assure Trump and the Republicans four years of domination. It was hard to tell if the cheers last night were an expression of admiration, gratitude, or relief. It was all three, most likely.

It was a solid speech, which the President slurred about once every five minutes. He lost his place a few times but recovered gracefully. As he himself put it, he started stuttering well before taking public office.

So, here’s his Gaza quote, slurs and all:

“…and we’ll keep working to bring hostages home and end the war in Gaza and bring peace and security to the Middle East. As you know, I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza a few days ago. I put forward a proposal that has brought us closer to doing that than we’ve done since October 7th. We’re working around the clock, my secretary of state [and I] to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families, and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza now, to end the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people. And finally, finally, finally deliver a ceasefire and end this war. … Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.”

Did you get the part where the old man confuses a ceasefire with a peace treaty which he “wrote?”


The Democratic National Convention’s opening day was marked by contrasting scenes. Outside, pro-Hamas demonstrators confronted law enforcement, while inside, supporters of Hamas celebrated a noteworthy development. The Harris campaign sponsored a panel discussion, deemed a significant milestone by pro-Hamas Democrats, which shed light on the impact of Israel’s military actions against Hamas in Gaza.

This event marked the first time in recent memory that the Democratic Party provided a platform for “pro-Palestinian” voices. A group of approximately 30 “uncommitted” delegates, representing Democratic voters who withheld support from President Biden in the primaries due to his stance on Israel, had initially sought speaking time on the main convention stage. Although their request wasn’t granted, they expressed appreciation for this official acknowledgment. However, they maintained that Vice President Kamala Harris would need to advance beyond her current position supporting a cease-fire to fully secure their backing.

Fine people on both sides.

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