Photo Credit: Hillel Maeir/Flash90
Bezalel Smotrich vote in the Nov. 2022 elections

As of 10 AM on Tuesday, some 1,760,076 people, or 15.9% of eligible voters, had cast a ballot in elections for the 25th Knesset, according to Israeli Central Elections Committee (CEC) CEO Orly Ades.

The 10 AM turnout is the highest since 1981, surpassing the 14.8% figure set during the last election, in March 2021. By 12 PM, that percentage reached 28.4%. The highest percentage in 23 years.


At 2 PM, voter turnout was 38.9% with 2,638,581 votes. The highest it’s been since 1999, and 4.3% higher than the last election.

At 4 PM, voter turnout was 47.5% with 3,224,350 votes. It was 43.3% in the previous election. This continues to be the highest turnout since 1999.

At 6 PM, voter turnout was 57.7% with 3,919,367 votes. This continues to be the highest turnout since 1999.

The high turnout reflects the electorate’s trust in the Jewish state’s democratic system, said Israeli President Isaac Herzog during a visit to the CEC at the Knesset.

It may also represent how serious those on the Left and the Right are taking this election for control over the future of the country.

“It’s very impressive to see this diverse, sophisticated, supervised and responsible operation, and I am convinced that the CEC will do its work faithfully and of course will thus reflect the public’s confidence in the electoral process,” Herzog added.

“Go vote and make a difference, because each vote has an impact,” he continued. News Desk contributed to this report.

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