Photo Credit: Cori Bush's Facebook page
The Squad with Bowman in the middle. Too bad the masks can't block words.

Mondaire Jones, a rising star on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who lost his reelection bid for his Rockland, Putnam, and Westchester counties’ House seat in 2022, on Monday told the NY Times’ Nicholas Fandos that he plans to help defeat Squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the June 25 Democratic primary, endorsing instead Bowman’s opponent, George Latimer.

The Jewish Press has endorsed George Latimer in the 16th district.


Cori Bush (D-MO), another squad member, is also facing the fight of her life against a centrist Democratic challenger, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell.

Jones, who is running to unseat Republican Mike Lawler in New York’s 17th congressional district, told the Times his former colleague and ally Bowman is spreading “pain and anxiety” among his Jewish constituency, tearing “at the fabric of our community and our civil rights coalition.”

It should be noted that despite their heavy presence in Westchester County, Jews are far from being in the majority in Bowman’s 16th District, which is about 50% Black and Hispanic, and only 10% Jewish. But his Congressional record is murky not only on Israel – he was one of 9 Democrats who voted against the bipartisan House resolution declaring the US was standing with Israel.

Also, local business leaders of every racial group can’t stomach Bowman’s berating of capitalism, and the fact that he voted against President Biden’s November 15, 2021, bipartisan infrastructure bill that invested $17 billion in port and waterways infrastructure, and $25 billion in repair and maintenance of US airports.

And then there was this bizarre story: on October 25, 2023, Bowman pleaded guilty in the District of Columbia to setting off a false fire alarm in a House office building in September, delaying a crucial vote to avoid the government’s shutdown. Bowman was booked, fingerprinted, photographed, and processed by the Capitol Police, and then paid the maximum fine of $1,000.

Just ask yourselves, would Bowman’s predecessor Eliot Engel ever do something this stupid? And for that matter, would George Latimer? Then you don’t have to be Jewish to vote to oust this strange man from Congress.

George Latimer, 71, a Democrat, has been serving as county executive of Westchester County since 2018. Latimer served in the New York State Senate for the 37th District from 2013 to 2017. He also served on the Rye city council, the Westchester County legislature, and the New York State Assembly.

On May 14, Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer held a televised debate. Enjoy:

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