Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (National Rally), formerly known as the National Front, achieved a remarkable victory in the European elections held on Sunday, capturing an impressive 32% of the total votes cast. French President Emmanuel Macron responded by calling a snap national election, with the first round on June 30 and the second on July 7, adding even more uncertainty to Europe’s political situation.

In another blow to the European order, in a somber address to his supporters, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced his resignation following disappointing federal and regional election results. Visibly emotional, De Croo admitted, “This is a very difficult evening for us. We have lost this election,” and he wiped away a tear.


Israeli diplomats told Kan 11 News that the European Parliament election results represent an earthquake not only about the issue of immigration to Europe but also about EU policy toward Israel, which has been growing increasingly hostile.

Despite the centrist, liberal, and Socialist parties collectively securing a majority in the 720-seat European Parliament, the election results delivered a setback for the leaders of France and Germany at home. This outcome has sparked concerns over the ability of the EU’s major powers to steer policy direction within the bloc going forward.

President Macron noted that the 40% gain of the national vote by the two French right-wing parties, RN and Reconquête, was “not a good result for parties who defend Europe,” and therefore “I cannot act as if nothing had happened, I have decided to give you the choice … Therefore, I will dissolve the National Assembly tonight.” He called his move “an act of confidence.”

The RN lead candidate in the European election, Jordan Bardella, 28, said the results, with Macron’s party receiving less than half of the RN’s votes, was a “stinging rejection” of the president.

Marine Le Pen, who is certain to win the first round of presidential elections in France in 2027, with Macron out of the picture after serving two terms, declared Sunday night, “We are ready to put the country back on its feet. We are ready to defend the interests of the French people.”

And no one in her audience had any doubt as to whom she considers the French people and whom she doesn’t.

Akin to Macron’s experience, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz endured a dismal night, with his Social Democratic Party registering its worst-ever performance in the elections. The party’s poor showing was compounded by gains made by the mainstream conservative forces and the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Giorgia Meloni’s standing as Italian Prime Minister has been bolstered after her right-wing Brothers of Italy party emerged as the victor in Sunday’s election, securing the highest number of votes. This strong performance at the polls has solidified Meloni’s position atop the government, providing her conservative agenda with greater leverage and mandate to pursue her policies. With her core base exhibiting robust support, Meloni now wields enhanced political capital as she aims to implement the Brothers of Italy’s platform priorities during her tenure as Prime Minister.

The European Parliament has 720 seats, 361 are required for a majority. The composition of the European Parliament will look like this: the center-right bloc will continue to lead with 181 seats, the center-left bloc will have 135 seats, the center bloc 82 seats, the right-wing bloc of Eurosceptics (parties critical of European integration) 71 seats, the nationalist right-wing bloc 62 seats, and non-partisan independents won 51 seats.

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