Photo Credit: Original image by Mccauleys-Corner, via

During a live-via-satellite address to the Jewish Republican Coalition in Las Vegas on Thursday, former President Donald Trump criticized Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats. He also claimed that Israel’s existence would be threatened if Vice President Kamala Harris were to become president.

“I don’t understand how anybody can support them – and I say it constantly – if you had them to support and you were Jewish, you have to have your head examined,” Trump told the packed RJC convention hall. “They’ve been very bad to you.”


Trump claimed that Harris and President Biden had blamed Israel for the deaths of hostages, even though both leaders issued statements about the recovery of Goldberg-Polin’s body that condemned Hamas without criticizing Israel. Trump initially referred to Goldberg-Polin as “Goldman.”

Here’s the transcript of Trump’s five-minute speech:

Hello to everyone at the Republican Jewish Coalition and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today, but I look forward to being back with you next year as your 47th president of the United States.

If Kamala Harris and crooked Joe Biden are looking for another cause for this crisis, they should do nothing more than look in the mirror. They are the cause. They gave you no support. They gave Israel no support. The October 7 attack on Israel would never have happened if I was President. Zero chance. It was not going to happen, just like the disaster in Afghanistan would never have happened, and frankly, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia would not have happened.

This November, we’re going to replace weakness with strength, cowardice with courage and clarity, and war with peace. We’re going to tell comrade Kamala Harris, you’re fired.

If Kamala Harris wins, terrorist armies will wage an unceasing war to drive Jews out of the holy land, and you know it. And we’ve had a great relationship with Israel, but I can say honestly that we got 25% of the [Jewish] vote. We got 26% after four years, after I did more for Israel than any other president by far, and this year we’re probably around the 50% Mark. But I only ask you, who are the 50% of Jewish people that are voting for these people that hate Israel and don’t like the Jewish people? Why are they voting [Democrat]?

Iran and its proxies will spread bloodshed and death all around the globe, and she continues to set the world on fire. Kamala Harris will support unlimited migration from terrorist hotbeds into the United States, and will totally abandon Israel. You’re going to be abandoned if she becomes president, and I think you have to explain that to your people because they don’t know it. They have no idea what they’re getting into. You’re not going to have an Israel if they become if she becomes president. Israel will no longer exist.

When I’m president, I will ban refugee settlements from terror-infested areas like the Gaza Strip. We will arrest the Paramos thugs who vandalized federal property, and I will put every single college president on notice: the American taxpayer will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers on American soil.

We must reject antisemitism in our schools, reject it in our foreign policy, reject it in our immigration system, and reject it at the ballot box this November. You must get Jewish people or people that love Israel, you must get them to vote Republican. You must get them to vote for Trump, and if you don’t, you’re not going to have a country. I am telling you. I’ve been very good at predicting things. You will not have a country. This is a radical-left Marxist that we have running. You will not have a country.

With your vote, we will defend our citizens, we will defend our values, and we will defend our country – America and Israel will be respected again. So, they have to get out on November 5, and they have to vote for Trump. If they don’t, I think it’s going to be a very terrible situation.

We’re going to make America great again. We’re going to frankly help Israel become great again. Right now, what you’re going through is horrible, that you have to go through that with all the death, destruction, and waste, and ruining a civilization. You have to go, you have to win, but you need a partner. You can never have that partner if these radical Marxists win the election.

So, I thank you, and God bless Israel, God Bless America, I’ll see you soon, thank you very much, let’s make some noise.

I admit it was disturbing to hear Trump speaking to his Jewish American viewers as if they were the subject of a foreign country. He’s been doing it throughout his political career, and his approach basically glorifies the antisemitic, dual loyalty accusations against Jews in the US and elsewhere.

Also, much like the late Lord Balfour, Trump overestimates the power of Jewish people and their ability to influence politics and everything else on the planet.

My view is that the choice between Trump and Harris is not about subtleties and sensitivities. If he wins, President Trump will be once again a modern-day version of King Achashverosh and Emperor Caligula, both great Gentile absolute rulers who could be plied with bribes and flattery. Like Trump, their only agenda was themselves, and the Jews of their time knew how to strum their harp strings.

Kamala Harris is Obama with a womb.

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