Photo Credit: Roberto Barresi / Pixabay
Strawberries (illustrative)

There is no doubt that there are Gazans who are hungry and suffering, particularly those who were displaced by the war brought upon them by their Hamas rulers, whose operatives then hijack supplies intended for civilians.


But many, frankly, are not – regardless of Hamas media manipulation efforts, as seen in the ongoing social media posts by Imshin, who shows videos and photos posted by local Gazans.

People in southern Gaza, in fact, are able to enjoy a treat that my own children and those in many places in Israel have been denied thanks to the war inflicted upon Israel’s citizens by the Hamas barbarians: fresh strawberries.

“The fruit is just rotting in the fields,” an agricultural moshav member sadly told on Tuesday at a farmer’s market in Arad.

“All of the Thai workers who were so swift in picking the fruit and other produce have left the country following the Hamas attack and abductions, and there is no one left to help us in the fields,” he lamented.

“Volunteers are great and they really mean well, but they have no expertise in this area and are very slow. It is expensive to bring them and provide food and lodging for them, and the cost is not offset by sales because they don’t know how to work fast enough to bring the required volume to market. It’s not their fault and they are wonderful: but we really need experienced foreign agricultural workers.”

On Wednesday, IDF Arabic language spokesperson Avichay Adraee posted an astonishing video clip on the X social platform, showing crowds of Gazans calling on Hamas leaders to return Israel’s hostages and stop the war. It is rare that Gaza civilians are willing to brave the wrath and retribution of their terrorist masters, but this week, some of them finally did.

“The leaders of Hamas, led by Al-Sinwar, listen to the cries of your people, your children and women, who came out in this spontaneous demonstration inside Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah, expressing their indignation at the situation you pushed Gaza into and demanding that you return the kidnapped Israelis to their homes so that the war stops. Will these cries and demands reach the hideouts of Hamas leaders?” Adraee wrote in Arabic.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.