Photo Credit: Udi Tenne / Twitter screenshot
Red Alert siren sends Israelis scrambling for whatever cover they can find. May 10, 2023

10:32 PM Gaza Envelope

9:09 PM Gaza Envelope, Sderot, Sapir College
A home sustained a direct hit in Sderot.


9:05 PM Netivot, Gaza Envelope, Western Negev
Interception over Netivot:

9:02 PM Gaza Envelope, Ashkelon, Ashkelon Industrial Area, Zikkim
A vehicle that was parked near a building was hit in Ashkelon. No injuries reported.

8:59 PM Gaza Envelope

8:32 PM Sderot, Gaza Envelope

8:30 PM Nir Am

8:28 PM Ashkelon Industrial Area, Zikkim

8:08 PM Sderot, Gaza Envelope

8:06 PM Gaza Envelope, Sapir College, Sderot

7:51 PM Gaza Envelope

7:40 PM Gaza Envelope

7:38 PM Hodaya, Gia, Beit Shikma

7:34 PM Rishon Lezion, Holon, Sderot, Gaza Envelope, Mikve Israel, Hemed, Ganot, Azor

7:33 PM Tel Aviv, Givatayim, Ramat Gan, Netivot, Givat Shmuel, Or Yehuda

7:32 PM Be’er Sheva, Netivot, Sharsheret
Rocket Impact in Be’er Sheva:

7:31 PM Palmachim, Gaza Envelope

7:30 PM Gaza Envelope, Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashkelon Industrial Area, Zikkim,

7:00 PM Kissufim

5:24 PM Hatzor, Gan Yavne, Gaza Envelope, Azrakim, Givati (Lachish area, Shefela)

4:54 PM Gaza Envelope

4:35 PM Gaza Envelope, Ashkelon Coast

4:11 PM Public bomb shelters opened in Beit Shemesh and Mevaseret Zion.

3:32 PM One less terrorist in Rafah, Gaza.

3:30 PM House in Tel Aviv hit by rocket.

3:13 PM Sderot, Gaza Envelope

3:09 PM Nahal Oz

3:02 PM Gaza Envelope, Netivot

3:00 PM Rishon Lezion, Bat Yam, Holon

2:59 PM Bat Yam, Rishon Lezion, Gaza Envelope, Gan Sorek, Palmachim

2:58 PM Netivot, Holon, Gan Sorek

2:57 PM Rishon Lezion, Palmachim, Gaza Envelope

2:55 PM Kissufim, Gaza Envelope

2:49 PM Gaza Envelope

2:47 PM Gaza Envelope

2:42 PM Gaza Envelope

2:33 PM Nahal Oz

2:32 PM Zikkim, Gaza Envelope

2:31 PM Zikkim, Sderot, Gaza Envelope

2:30 PM Ashkelon Industrial Area

2:29 PM Yavne, Gaza Envelope

2:28 PM Gaza Envelope, Rishon Lezion, Palmachim

2:21 PM Red Alert in Bnei Brak.
Ashkelon, Gaza Envelope.

2:19 PM Red Alert in Tel Aviv.
Hamas now says they are participating in the rocket attacks.

Interception over Tel Aviv.

Interception over Ramat Gan.

2:10 PM IAF hitting rocket launchers.

2:06 PM Rocket alerts as far north as Rishon Lezion and Holon.
Rocket hit a home in Sderot. No one injured.

1:30 PM The red alerts have begun sounding as the Gazans began launching rocket barrages, just before 1:30 PM on Wednesday.

Rocket alerts sounded in Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod and areas surround Gaza. Iron Dome has begun shooting down incoming targets. There have been multiple barrage attacks since the first one.

The Sderot municipality reports 9 rockets were launched at the city and were intercepted by Iron Dome. No one was injured.

Rocket Alerts. May 10, 2023

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