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Arab youth taunts IDF soldiers, September 7, 2018

Ahmad Masabah Abu Tayur, 16, died on Saturday morning of wounds he had sustained on Friday from IDF fire in a rock throwing riot in the Rafah area, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. In a video posted on the social networks, one can see Abu Tayur throwing rocks at IDF soldiers, turning around to collect and throw more rocks, than jumps up and down, waving and clapping his hands in a taunt, then being shot and dropping to the ground.


The IDF Spokesperson’s Office said in response: “During the violent riots along the Gaza Strip fence yesterday, IDF soldiers responded using demonstration dispersing means and acted in accordance with the rules of engagement in response to attempts to sabotage the fence and harm IDF forces. Rioters burned tires, and threw stones, Molotov cocktails and a hand grenade at the forces.”

“We are familiar with the claim about two dead who had taken part in last Friday’s violent riot. Those events will be investigated by the relevant command echelons. The cases in which Palestinians were alleged killed will also be transferred to the General Staff investigation mechanism,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Office said.

The IDF arrested four Arabs who tried to cross the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip Saturday morning and they were taken for interrogation. According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Office, a knife and an ax were found on their persons.

Some 7,000 Arabs took part in Friday’s riots on the Gaza Strip border. 30 Arabs were injured by live ammunition and 64 were injured by the rushing crowds and tear gas inhalation. According to the Health Ministry in Gaza, 37 wounded were evacuated to hospitals in the Gaza Strip and the rest were treated on site.

The riots had been urged on Thursday by Hamas chief in Gaza Yahya Sinwar.

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