Report: Erdogan’s Rabid Antisemitism Is a Sign of his Political Weakness

Ankara has imposed a trade embargo on Israel, sought to join South Africa’s case in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide, and invited PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to address its parliament.

Polls: Israelis Prefer Remaining in Philadelphi Corridor Above Hostage Deal

Two new polls show that the Israeli public backs the Netanyahu government's position that holding the Egypt-Gaza border is critical to Israel's security.

Halachic Dispute Erupts bet. Chabad and Shas over Hostage Deal with Hamas

"Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef’s words should not be taken literally, the deal is prohibited according to Halacha."

Report: Israel Buying Google’s ‘UNRWA’ Searches, Linking Them to Information Website

Kronenfeld realized that she had stumbled upon an online advertising initiative by Israel aimed at discrediting and undermining UNRWA's funding.

EXPOSED: Hamas Forged ‘Independent’ Survey Results to Claim Widespread Support

Hamas detailed the different ways to influence public opinion and media coverage.

Feinberg School of Medicine Deletes Arab Students’ Images to Protect their Careers

JSP complained angrily about the medical school’s career-salvaging move.

Rescued Hostage Qaid Farhan al-Qadi Thanks Prime Minister ‘Abu Yair’

"I thank you for this work, in which I see my family and am here. You truly did sacred work. There are other people who are waiting."

Jewish Former MP for Edinburgh Says Scottish National Party Favors Hamas

Rifkind made history by committing the British Government to support a Palestinian State in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

Israeli Delegation Going to Cairo Despite Tension in the North

Hamas clarified that it had fewer than 20 live hostages who qualify under the American mediation offer.

Egypt Rejects Israel’s Call to Secure Rafah Border Against Hamas Smuggling

You probably thought it was Hamas making it difficult to reach a deal. Nope. It’s the honest broker, Egypt.

California University Pro-Hamas Rioters Sue After Being Suspended

The UCI chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) also received a temporary suspension.

Netanyahu Demands Swift Release of Living Hostages, Control of ‘Security Assets’

"The main thing: to eliminate Hamas and achieve victory. We are approaching it step by step," the Israeli premier told families of captives and fallen soldiers.

Col. Richard Kemp: Hague Judges Mulling Netanyahu’s Arrest Warrant Do Hamas’s Bidding

"Why does the Prosecutor seem to be singling out the Jewish State for this special treatment?”

State Attorney Recommends Criminal Investigation of Popular Singer Who Called for Eradicating Gaza

“A reaction of abysmal hatred for Gazans is not only expected, it is justified."

Dems Fear Repeat of 1968 Chicago Convention with Pro-Hamas Replacing Anti-Vietnam Protesters

Pro-Israel activists claim they're facing unfair treatment, stating they've been denied permission to march in Chicago's streets.

Ottawa Mayor Boycotts Capital Pride Events that Claimed ‘Gaza Genocide’

Of all the different kinds of useful idiots (a term attributed to Vladimir Lenin) – Gays for Gaza may represent the ultimate useful idiocy.

Trump Launches Coalition to Fight Antisemitism, Says Pro Hamas Protesters ‘Going Loco’

The thing is, on September 16, 2020, a Trump Campaign press release already proclaimed launching 'Jewish Voices for Trump.'

Exposé: Olive Trees in Service of Hamas Terrorism

Because those who finance the purchasing and distribution of the olive trees are illegal associations from the charity coalition, Israeli law views the olive trees as "terrorist property."

IDF Uncovers Multi-Story 3 Kilometer-Long Tunnel in Central Gaza

Inside the tunnel were several rooms, weapons and means to enable a long-term stay that were used by terrorist operatives.

Smotrich Attacks US, Egypt, Qatar Statement Demanding Israel Surrender to Terrorism

Smotrich call the tripartite statement a "twisted and dangerous starting point" to "pressure us to stop the war and surrender."

Iran’s New President Urges Supreme Leader Not to Attack Israel

Ultimately, it is the 85-year-old Supreme Leader who makes the decision on whether or not to unleash another direct attack on Israel.

IDF Eliminates Another Senior Hamas Terrorist in Gaza — But Not Sinwar

Nael Sakhl ran the Hamas "West Bank Headquarters" responsible for directing terror activities in Judea and Samaria.

Report: Iran Forming ‘Qassem Soleimani Forces’ to Coordinate Regional Proxies

The force is being seen as "a central military arm of the so-called Axis of Resistance led by Iran."

7 IDF Reservists Wounded While Fighting Hamas in Rafah

The troops were wounded when a Hamas terrorist hurled an explosive device (IED) at them.

Indiana U Fences, Shuts Down Pro-Hamas Encampment

The organizers told the Herald-Times they said they would comply by removing personal belongings from the camp.

Ashdod to Open Bomb Shelters After Gaza Barrage

The rockets were launched from the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

US Introducing F-22 Raptors to Challenge Iran Terror Axis in the Middle East

Even with the arrival of the more recent F-35 Lightning II, the F-22 Raptor continues to be a dominant force in air-superiority missions.

Eli Kopter’s Co-Conspirator Amit Nakesh Exposed by Turkish Media

It began on Wednesday with a tweet by influencer Dr. Eli David.

US Was Stunned by Israel’s Assassinations but Doesn’t Expect Regional War

Without his own re-election campaign to manage, Biden had envisioned dedicating his final months in office to achieving lasting peace in the region.

Rosh Yeshiva: No Tachnun Today – When the Wicked Perish We Rejoice

When Israel, with God’s help, eliminates the chief of staff of Hezbollah and Satan’s chief of Hamas within the same 24 hours – who has the head to supplicate?


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