Hamas is encouraging and sending protestors to the fence area in order to commit violent acts and damage security infrastructures, according to the Shabak, which also reported on Monday that Iran is transferring funds to Hamas to encourage violent action in the Gaza Strip fence area.

Shabak released the following testimonies received from the interrogation of Arabs from the Gaza Strip who had been arrested after infiltrating into Israel:



Yahiya Eijle, 19, a resident of Gaza City and member of Hamas, was arrested on April 29, 2018, while making his way into Israel to steal a security camera and cut the Gaza Strip fence. The following was learned from his interrogation:

1. Hamas is instructing its activists to cut the fence and steal security cameras in order to sabotage and topple the fence and disrupt IDF activity ahead of “Nakba Day.”

2. Hamas in the Gaza Strip wants the activity to be seen in the international media as a popular uprising, and not as violent action led by its own militants.

3. Hamas militants, who are embedded among the residents of the Gaza Strip, are taking an active part in the violent protest activities along the fence every Friday in part by wielding firebombs, knives and large wire-cutters.

4. Hamas members supply Gaza Strip residents with tires and assist them in setting them on fire in order to create thick smoke to agitate residents and persuade them to infiltrate into Israeli territory, throw firebombs and prepare kite-borne firebombs to be handed over to violent militants.

It has also been learned that Hamas terrorists themselves are prohibited from approaching the fence lest they be killed or captured by the IDF. However, should the fence be breached, then they are to enter Israeli territory armed – under cover of the mob – and carry out attacks.


Salim Abu Daher, 21, a resident of the Gaza Strip, was arrested on April 28, 2018 upon infiltrating into Israel in order to burn fields and groves.

From his investigation it was learned that Hamas is financing the violent action in the framework of which kite-borne firebombs are sent toward Israeli territory. Hamas members in civilian clothing circulate among violent activists and supply gasoline for the kite-borne firebombs which are designed to ignite and burn Israeli fields.


* Another detainee said that Hamas encourages children and young people to cross the fence, Shabak reported.

* Three Arab residents of the Gaza Strip were arrested by the IDF on May 4, 2018, after crossing the fence into Israeli territory. One of the infiltrators told his Shabak interrogators that Hamas militants in civilian clothes encourage children to try to cross the fence in order to steal IDF equipment. Thus the event on May 4, in which a 13-year-old youth was wounded while taking part in an attempt to infiltrate into Israeli territory in order to steal a security camera at Karni Crossing, east of Gaza City.

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David writes news at JewishPress.com.