Photo Credit: Atia Mohammed / Flash 90
Smoke rises after Israeli air strikes near the border east of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, October 8, 2023.

Israeli fighter pilots, artillery personnel and tank soldiers continued on Sunday to attack terrorist targets throughout Gaza, in the second day of Operation Iron Swords, Israel’s war with Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization.

In the later hours of the afternoon, dozens of Israeli fighter jets attacked some 120 terrorist targets around the area of Beit Hanoun in Gaza, dropping “tens of tons of bombs” in the attack, an IDF spokesperson said.


The Beit Hanoun neighborhood is used as a terror nest for Hamas and from there many activities against Israel are carried out, also as part of the fighting in recent days. This is a significant step up in the wave of attacks as part of the development of the campaign,” the IDF said.

In addition, an operational terrorist tunnel used by Hamas and located under a multi-story building in the northern section of Gaza City was also destroyed.

“A mosque is located near the tunnel, which proves once again that Hamas exploits holy sites and civilian population in order to promote terrorism,” the IDF said in a statement.

IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters earlier in the day that the IDF had killed more than 400 terrorists in southern Israel and in Gaza, and captured dozens more.

Fighter jets attacked a military infrastructure at the home of the head of the Hamas intelligence department, the IDF said.

Israeli navy fighters thwarted an attempt by Hamas naval commandos to infiltrate the Jewish State in the area of Zikim beach, on Israel’s southern Mediterranean coast. “In the last few hours, the Navy’s control units identified five terrorists who were hiding in the Zikim area on the ground in Israel,” the IDF said. “The navy fighters thwarted the terrorists and prevented infiltration of the settlements.”

“During the night, the IDF attacked ten Hamas operational infrastructures which were used by the terrorist organization to direct terrorist efforts in Gaza against the State of Israel, including an intelligence headquarters of the terrorist organization and a military structure that was used by the terrorist organization’s air force,” the IDF said.

At the same time, the IDF said its forces attacked two bank branches in Gaza City used by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to finance its terrorist activities. The banks that were attacked included the National Islamic Branch used by Hamas to finance terror activities and the organization’s First Bank branch, a compound for the production of anti-aircraft weaponry used by Islamic Jihad aerial forces.

In addition, the IDF attacked a building in which Hamas offices were located, and a weapons and military equipment warehouse, along with a number of high-rise buildings used by Hamas in Gaza City.

Following an overnight assessment, the IDF issued an order designating the Gaza Division sector as a closed military zone. “The IDF clarifies that entering the area is strictly prohibited and asks the public to remain vigilant and not to enter the area,” the IDF said.

Israeli fighter pilots on Saturday attacked two “operational structures” that were located in mosques and used by Hamas to direct attacks on Israel.

“Hamas continues its terrorist activities along the Gaza Strip, exploiting holy sites and exploiting the civilian population in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said.

The Israeli government issued a general call-up of all reservists on Saturday, with hundreds of thousands of Israelis responding to the call.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.