Photo Credit: Hassan Jedi / Flash 90
Arab terrorists prepare Molotov cocktails attached to balloons, to be sent to Israel east of Bureij in the Gaza Strip. February 2020

“The Gaza Strip fishing zone was reduced from 15 to 10 nautical miles, beginning at 4:00 PM, until further notice,” the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced on Wednesday.

“The decision was made in light of continued rocket fire and incendiary balloons launched from Gaza into Israel, constituting a violation of Israeli sovereignty,” COGAT added, noting as usual that “the Hamas terrorist organization is responsible for the actions in and out of the Gaza Strip and it will face consequences for any violence targeting Israeli citizens.”


Earlier on Wednesday, an explosive balloon was found in an agricultural field of moshav Kahalim in the Merhavim Regional Council. Also, an incendiary balloon was seen passing over a kindergarten in Kiryat Gat, which triggered the teacher’s quick response.

“The children were playing in the yard,” the kindergarten teacher told Kan 11 News. “I saw in the sky a bunch of colorful and beautiful balloons and I told the aides to help get the children into the kindergarten. They immediately came in, and went straight to the bomb shelter. There was no hysteria, we had a conversation and explained the differences between different balloons, when to approach them and when not to under no circumstances, even if the balloons look nice and carry our favorite cartoon characters.”

Police sappers were called to inspect balloons that dropped in the Sderot area.

On Tuesday, dozens of explosive balloons were launched into Israel. Many of them exploded in the air, and six were neutralized after landing.

At night, three rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip. They exploded in open field in the Netivot area. In response, the IDF attacked Hamas targets in the southern Gaza Strip.

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