Photo Credit: Abu Ali Express
Ali Harb

The Hamas terror organization recognized the Arab who was stabbed to death during a scuffle with Israelis in Samaria on Tuesday evening as a “Shahid,” claiming that the “crime” is “an extension of the dirty war waged by the settlers against our people.”

A mob of Arabs attacked a group of Israelis who were on a walking tour in the vicinity of the city Ariel in Samaria. The Arabs, armed with sticks and rocks, chased the Israelis away. Footage of part of the incident seen by TPS shows the Israelis retreating from the area and refraining from a confrontation. At one point, an Israeli reportedly fired in the air to scare off the attackers.


Ali Harb, 27, was stabbed at some point and subsequently died of his injuries. The Arabs are alleging he was stabbed by an Israeli.

Harb, a resident of the village of Iskaka, was a member of the family of the terrorists Rabia Harb and Awad Harb, Hamas terrorists who were killed by the IDF, the last during Operation Guardian of the Walls a year ago.

The Israel Police have opened an investigation into the incident. The identity of the stabber is so far unknown. No arrests have been made. Some reports say that the police have found the knife with which Harb was stabbed.

No Israeli official has commented on the incident.

In its eulogy for the “heroic Shahid” (martyr), Hamas emphasized that “the crime was a direct result of the official Zionist incitement and the release of settlers’ hands to practice organized terrorism throughout our occupied land.”

“The enemy must bear the responsibility for this arrogance practiced by the settlers, and the revolutionaries of our people will be on the lookout for its [Israel’s] defeated forces and its criminal settlers,” Hamas warned.

The Israeli Honenu human rights organization called on the IDF and the police to arrest the Arab rioters who attacked the Israeli group, saying that the identity of the rioters is published on social networks and can be easily located.

“It is inconceivable for a group of children to be attacked close to the city of Ariel, the rioters are documented in a video on social media with batons in their hands, and they are still free,” said Honenu CEO Shmuel Meidad.

“The children were miraculously saved when dozens of Arab rioters arrived with sticks, axes, and other violent weapons, and began threatening and attacking the children. We have experienced enough anti-Semitism and terrorism, we must not put up with it,” Meidad added.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.