Photo Credit: Martin Vency via Twitter
Gaza's Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, threatening to attack synagogues "around the world" over the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, April 30, 2022

The head of Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization, Yahya Sinwar, has threatened to attack synagogues around the world if Israel “violates” the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Speaking on Saturday night in a speech that lasted more than an hour, Sinwar said, “Our people must prepare for a great battle if the occupation does not cease its aggression against the Al Aqsa Mosque. Violating Al Aqsa and Jerusalem means a regional, religious war,” he said.


The “aggression” referred to by the Iranian-backed terrorist leader has to do with Israeli police entering the mosque to disperse rioters on the holy site.

At the conclusion of the dawn prayer in Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday, hundreds of Palestinian Authority rioters began carrying out attacks in the Temple Mount courtyard which included throwing stones and launching live fireworks at Jews who were praying at the nearby Western Wall, forcing Israeli police to disperse them.

Referring to a photo projected behind him that showed Israel police officers inside the mosque on the Temple Mount, Sinwar threatened, “Whoever makes the decision to allow this photo to be repeated, the violation of Al Aqsa…has decided to allow the violation of thousands of synagogues all across the world.”

Filled with praise for the recent terrorist attacks that have taken the lives of 15 Israelis, Sinwar urged Arabs in Israel and the Palestinian Authority to continue the attacks but focused the majority of his hate-filled speech on Al Aqsa.

During his speech, Sinwar also explained what he meant in a referral to the “important” number of “1,111” after the terror group’s war on Israel last May, ignited under similar circumstances.

The Hamas leader said in the next conflict, Hamas would fire 1,111 rockets at Israel in a single burst, to honor the anniversary of the death of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist leader Yasser Arafat, who died on 11/11/2004, according to Middle East terrorism analyst Joe Truzman.

During the 2021 conflict, Hamas claimed that 100 rockets were fired in single bursts at Tel Aviv. “Sinwar’s claim would be significant, if true,” Truzman wrote.

Using the same excuse as last year, Sinwar threatened in his speech to launch another war against Israel over “assaults on Al Aqsa” and called on Arabs to prepare themselves.

“The Palestinian resistance has to be fully prepared as the real standoff with the Israeli occupation over its assaults on Al-Aqsa could start after the end of Ramadan,” he said.

Violence at the Temple Mount
This past Friday, the final Friday in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, also marked “Quds Day” (Jerusalem Day), the day on which Muslims around the world express their hope for the conquest of Jerusalem from the Jews.

Arabs have carried out vicious attacks against Israeli police on the Temple Mount — and in some cases, attacks against Israeli civilians praying in the Western Wall plaza below — each Friday of this month.

Rioters hurled rocks, Molotov cocktails and live fireworks at the police, and then retreated into the Al Aqsa Mosque, where they had stockpiled more of the same.

Some 250,000 Palestinian Authority Arabs streamed into the site for Ramadan prayers this weekend, many of whom were peaceful worshipers.

Some of those who wanted nothing more than to pray in peace required the protection of Israeli police as they left the Temple Mount compound, due to the violence being carried out by terrorist thugs on the site.

The Islamic prohibition against wearing shoes in the mosque did not stop the rioters from doing so, as they used the sacred site to launch attacks on Israelis.

“Palestinian thugs started rioting after the dawn prayers, throwing stones and launching fireworks in the courtyard of the Haram al-Sharif, forcing the police to intervene to disperse them in order to ensure the safety of the Muslim worshipers,” tweeted Israel’s Arabic-language spokesperson, Ofir Gendelman, on Friday.

“Calm returned to the Haram al-Sharif after the police managed to disperse the Palestinian thugs and rioters, and now thousands of Muslim worshipers flock to Al-Aqsa to perform Friday prayers in safety and security.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.