Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg; Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90
(L-R) Leftist-activist Judges Yitzchak Amit and Ruth Ronen, and centrist-conservative Yechiel Kasher.

A three-judge High Court of Justice panel comprising leftist-activist Judges Yitzchak Amit and Ruth Ronen, and centrist-conservative Yechiel Kasher, on Sunday compelled the Israeli government to explain sometime in September why the International Committee of the Red Cross not be given details as to all prisoners and detainees from the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria who are being held in the custody of the army and the prison service.

The injunction does not reveal that the details of the vast majority of Arab terrorists, including many with Jewish blood on their hands, are known to the Red Cross, whose representatives also visit them regularly.


The only prisoners the Red Cross has not gotten access to are the Nukhba murderers who invaded Israel on October 7 or were captured later inside the Gaza Strip, because the International Committee of the Red Cross has yet to visit any of the Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity, and hasn’t even provided Israel with a list of their names and whether they are still alive.

The petitioners, all of whom rely on donations from foreign governments and organizations, are The Association for Civil Rights in Israel; Doctors for Human Rights – Israel; The Center for the Protection of the Individual of Dr. Lota Salzberger’s foundation; and Gisha (Access), a center for the protection of freedom of movement.

The court ruled: “Following the many extensions that have been requested to date, for the sake of the efficiency of the discussion and without it being an expression of prejudice on the substance of things, a conditional injunction is hereby granted as requested in the petition, directing respondents:

“To give a reason as to why the blanket ban on visits by committee representatives should not be lifted regarding the International Red Cross visits of Palestinian prisoners and detainees from the Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip who are being held in the custody of the army and the Israel Prison Service.

“To give a reason why the International Committee of the Red Cross should not be given details as to all Palestinian prisoners and detainees from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank who are being held in the custody of the army and the prison service.”

That’s it, folks, if you were wondering when the Supreme Court was going to enlist to protect Hamas’s October 7 murderers – they just hopped over that fence.

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