Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Israeli soldiers after the conquest of Al-Shati in the northern Gaza Strip, November 16, 2023.

According to several reports from the Gaza Strip, the sister of Hamas leader abroad Ismail Haniyeh was killed on Tuesday in IDF strikes in the al-Shati “refugee camp.” The Hamas health dept. reported 13 dead in this attack.


Haniyeh was born in al-Shati in 1962 when the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian rule and no one talked about turning it into a Palestinian state. His parents came from Ashkelon in 1948, and after Israel conquered the Strip, Haniyeh worked in Israel to support his family (everyone recalls him being a quiet young man who kept to himself).

His known sisters are Laila Haniyeh, Kholidia Haniyeh, Suhila Abd el-Salam Ahmed Haniyeh, and Sabah Haniyeh, and one of them is no longer among us.

Sabah Haniyeh, 57, one of two sisters who live in Israel and carry an Israeli ID card, was indicted in April for identifying with a terrorist organization. According to the indictment, on October 9, Sabah Haniyeh sent dozens of contacts, including her brother, WhatsApp messages that included words of praise, sympathy, and encouragement for the Hamas atrocities two days earlier, tying her as an accessory to terrorism.

The IDF spokesman on Tuesday morning referred to the attack that took place overnight in al-Shati, where, according to the reports, Haniyeh’s sister and members of her family were killed. According to the army, the building that was attacked by air force fighter jets was used by Hamas terrorists, some of whom were involved in holding hostages and had taken part in the massacre on October 7. The IDF message refers to another structure that was attacked in Darj Tupah.

Sabah’s WhatsApp messages involved lengthy pleas to Allah to destroy the Jews. Now her sister can deliver the message directly. Modern communications is such a blast.

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