Photo Credit: Israel Defense Forces / Wikimedia
Israeli Air Force F-16I Sufa

The IDF announced that on Monday morning, following the red alerts that had been activated in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip at 06:31 AM, four launches were detected that crossed from the southern Strip. Three of them were intercepted by the Air Force, and one fell in an open area.

That’s what has remained of the Hamas threat, one year after the war began. It was a lot like the proverbial final scene of a horror movie where the monster who has been beaten down and thought dead raises its clawed arm one more time in a futile urge to hurt someone, anyone.


Exactly one year ago, at 6:29 AM on Shabbat Simchat-Torah 5784, the murderous Hamas attack on the settlements of the south and surrounding areas began. A year later, the IDF was not surprised, expecting that the terrorist organization Hamas would launch a demonstration volley at Israel at or near the time when it all started, as it did happen.

At the same time, the IDF attacked Hamas terrorist launchers and other targets throughout the Gaza Strip to thwart an immediate threat. Air Force fighter jets attacked launching positions and an underground route on Monday morning, after an Air Force overnight attack on targets in the center of the Gaza Strip that posed a threat to the IDF forces operating in the area. Artillery fire was carried out as well.

The witch is dead.

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