Photo Credit: IDF / Shin Bet
Ismail Barhoum, Hamas government official

The IDF and Shin Bet forces have eliminated Ismail Barhoum, head of Hamas’ finances and institutions in the terrorist organization’s political bureau, and the successor to Essam al-Da’alis, former head of the Hamas government who was eliminated last week.

Barhoum was a key figure in Hamas’ political bureau and was actively involved in the military decision-making process that directly impacted Hamas’ operations.


In his capacity, Barhoum was oversaw Hamas’ financial management in the Gaza Strip, channeling funds to Hamas’ military wing, financing and planning the execution of terror attacks against the State of Israel.

These funds financed the terrorist organization’s continued survival in the Gaza Strip and were used to carry out terror attacks and to purchase weapons, which posed a threat to IDF forces and the citizens of the State of Israel.

Barhoum was eliminated while he was operating within the “Nasser” Hospital, while cynically endangering the civilian population in the area, the IDF and Shin Bet said in a statement on Monday.

“This is a yet another example of the way that the Hamas terrorist organization systematically violates international law while taking over civilian infrastructure in a manner that prevents the rehabilitation and livelihood of the Gazan population, and while brutally exploiting the civilian population as a human shield for its terror attacks against the State of Israel,” the statement said.

“The IDF and Shin Bet will continue to operate against the Hamas terrorist organization and to remove any threat to Israeli civilians.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.