Photo Credit: Charlie Mor Yosef

This report was filed from New York prior to the start of the holy Sabbath.

Despite a so-called temporary ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel, violence returned to the Gaza border and southern Israel once again on Friday, right on schedule, precisely as violence had been carried out against IDF soldiers and civilians every other week, all summer long, and in fact on every Friday since March 30.


According to Arab media, some 12,000 Gazans surged to the border in renewed violence this week at five different locations along the security fence.

Two Gazans were killed and 156 others were wounded in the clashes, including four who were alleged to be medics — but in the past, there have been “medics” who were ultimately proved to have been terrorists, too. One of the wounded was allegedly a field commander of the Fatah-linked Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. A second wounded Gazan was allegedly a Hamas commander.

Lest anyone believe the lies of Hamas that there is any true interest in a ceasefire, the terrorist leader himself, Yahya Sinwar arrived at one of the main Gaza border attack sites. This one was located at Khan Younis, to inspect the handiwork of his “officers” in guiding and motivating the “troops” along the security fence on the border with Israel.

As before, Gazans burned tires to create thick black smoke to mask their efforts, hurling rocks, live fireworks, flaming Molotov cocktails and in some cases, even grenades at IDF soldiers. They also attempted to cut through the security fence in an effort to breach the border.

IDF soldiers responded by throwing tear gas cannisters, and sometimes by opening fire when the attackers constituted a serious threat to the lives of Israeli troops or the security infrastructure.

In separate attacks on Friday, Gaza terrorists were preparing and launching arson kites and incendiary balloons towards communities in the Gaza Belt region.

Two fires were started as a result of incendiary balloons attached to flaming Molotov cocktails in the Be’eri Forest and in the Be’eri area, according to Fire and Rescue Southern District spokesperson Eli Cohen. It took most of the day to extinguish those blazes alone, Cohen said. In addition, a third fire was started in Meflasim, also as a result of Gaza arson terror.

This report was filed from New York prior to the start of the holy Sabbath.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.