In recent days, the 931st Battalion and the Nahal Brigade forces killed many terrorists in close-quarters combat in the Tuffah area of northern Gaza.
The high number of close-quarters combats and the presence of many terrorists and weapons forced Israel Defense Forces to to carry out an operation in the area.
One can see that once upon a time, the homes were made beautiful, with lovely decorated tiles undoubtedly chosen by the women who lived therein. Scribbles on the walls of a child’s bedroom, the basics of a family’s life.

But then something far more ominous is uncovered by the IDF soldiers searching carefully, systematically, building by building, home by home, even room by room — the deadly weapons used to wage war against Gaza’s Israeli neighbors.
Inside a child’s bedroom, forces of the 931st Battalion and the Nahal Brigade discovered dozens of Kalachnikov assault rifles, grenades, bazookas, rocket heads for rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).
And Israeli license plates.
The implications are clear: someone with access to this home had access to vehicles in Israel — perhaps the vehicles of those who attended the Nova music festival or who were living nearby on Saturday, October 7th.
It was Shabbat Simchat Torah, a Jewish holiday of joyous celebration and prayer, but one that ended with more than 1,200 people tortured, raped, beheaded, dismembered, burned alive and slaughtered by invading Hamas-led barbarians, and 250 more kidnapped and dragged into Gaza.
The arms that were found in the unknown child’s room are further proof of the cynical attempt by Hamas to conceal its weapons and terrorist activity behind its civilian population.
And the child, in whose room this damning evidence was found? Innocent at birth, but from the photos strewn on the floor, a youngster already well on the way to joining his elders in a future of antisemitism and bloodthirsty hate.