Photo Credit: Yossi Zeliger / Flash90
MK Matan Kahane (Yamina)

MK Matan Kahane (Yamina) told Radio 103FM on Thursday morning that Defense Minister Naftali Bennett (Yamina) is working on a significant operation against Gaza Strip and PA terrorism, together with IDF Chief of Staff General Aviv Kochavi.

“Bennett, Kochavi, and the rest of the security forces are working on a significant operation,” said Kahane, noting that “It’s impossible to talk about this in detail right now, but it will happen at the right moment.”


Kahane’s remarks come against the background of an escalation in terrorist activities in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

Likewise, the MK’s remarks match Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s promise this week that the IDF would not hesitate to attack in the Gaza Strip even before the March 2 elections if the rocket fire continued.

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