Photo Credit: Flash 90
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas makes a statement as he attends a meeting of the 'Revolutionary Council' of Fatah at the Muqata in Ramallah, on December 18, 2019.

Israel’s foreign ministry has recalled its ambassadors from Ireland, Spain and Norway following their announcement recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a sovereign nation.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered the immediate return to Israel of the Israeli ambassadors in Ireland and Norway for consultations following the announcement. The ministry also released a video warning Ireland and others against becoming a pawn in the hands of Hamas and Iran.


“Israel will not be complacent in the face of those undermining its sovereignty and endangering its security,” Katz said.

“Today’s decision sends a message to the Palestinians and the world: Terrorism pays. After the Hamas terror organization carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, after committing heinous sexual crimes witnessed by the world, these countries chose to reward Hamas and Iran by recognizing a Palestinian state,” Katz said.

“This distorted step by these countries is an injustice to the memory of the October 7 victims, a blow to efforts to return the 128 hostages and a boost to Hamas and Iranian jihadists that undermines the chance for peace and questions Israel’s right to self-defense.

“Israel will not remain silent; there will be further severe consequences,” Katz warned. “If Spain follows through on its intention to recognize a Palestinian state, a similar step will be taken against it.” Spain said in its announcement that formal recognition of a Palestinian state would be rendered on May 28.

“The Irish-Norwegian folly does not deter us,” he added. “We are determined to achieve our goals: restoring security to our citizens, dismantling Hamas and bringing the hostages home. There are no more just causes than these.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.