Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement Monday night slamming a denial by the Palestinian Authority claiming Gaza’s Hamas terrorist organization did not commit the October 7 tortures and massacre of some 1,200 Israelis and other nationals.
The Palestinian Authority claimed it was actually Israel that massacred more than a thousand of its own innocent civilians and other nationals at a music festival and in villages along the Gaza border, torturing, burning, beheading and slaughtering them all across the life span from infants to the elderly.
This is the same Palestinian Authority that US President Joe Biden is insisting be given control over Gaza once the IDF eradicates Hamas, which has proven itself an existential threat to the Jewish State.
“Today, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something utterly preposterous,” Netanyahu said in a video statement, his outrage obvious. “It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza. It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth.
“Abu Mazen (Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’ nom de guerre), who in the past has denied the existence of the Holocaust, today is denying the existence of the Hamas massacre and that’s unacceptable,” Netanyahu said.
“My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civil administration in Gaza does not deny the massacre, does not educate its children to become terrorists, does not pay for terrorists and does not tell its children that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel. That’s not acceptable and that is not the way to achieve peace.”
The Palestinian Authority statement was issued by the Ramallah government’s foreign ministry, and was careful to attribute the claim to “Arabic media” that misquoted an Israeli report discussing a statement by an unnamed source in the Israel Police.
“According to Arabic media, a preliminary investigation by the Israel Police indicates that Israeli helicopters bombed the Israeli civilians present at the festival and that the IAF is responsible for the widespread destruction in the region,” the statement claimed.
“The death and destruction in the area, especially those parts of it which were videoed, showed destruction and fires that broke out in several houses because of Israeli bombardment. We demand that all media outlets and international bodies specifically scrutinize Israeli reports.”
The report, published Sunday by Haaretz, was not only misquoted by selected sections were also taken out of context by Arab news outlets and then shared on social media.
Israel Police issued a ‘clarification’ in a statement responding to the claims by the Palestinian Authority.
“Following the publication in the Haaretz newspaper regarding the investigation of the Nova Festival – the massacre in Reim:
“The Israel Police clarifies that the initial investigation focused on the heroism of the officers who acted on location to stop the massacre committed by Hamas.
“Contrary to the publication, the police investigation does not refer to the activity of the IDF forces and therefore no indication was given of harm to civilians as a result of aerial activity at the site.”
Israel Police called on the media “to show responsibility in their publications and to rely on official sources only.”
It is clear that the Palestinian Authority is working hard to convince the public that black is really white, and evil is really good, a skill the Ramallah government has honed nearly to perfection. And when a lie is repeated often enough and by speakers whose acting skills are top-notch, people often drink the Kool-Aid despite even physical evidence to the contrary. The United Nations is a perfect example.