A resident of Hebron with a long rap sheet succeeded in infiltrating the Israel Police national headquarters building in Jerusalem using someone else’s identity, MyNet reported on Wednesday.
According to details that emanated from his court trial, the accused handed the guards an ID number belonging to his relative and walked dressed in work uniform into the building where the chief superintendent, police brass, and crime labs are located. And as a police investigation turned up, he repeated this many times over three weeks.
The defense attorney told the court that his client is 65 years old, and infiltrated police headquarters to work and provide for his family, not spy on the police. It was his bad luck that the workplace he infiltrated with a false document was the national headquarters of the Israel Police. Had it been any other place, the police would have never taken him to court.
The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ordered the defendant’s release with restrictive conditions.
The Israel Police issued this statement:
The Israel Police responded:
“The suspect entered the compound of the national headquarters of the Israel Police by presenting forged documentation to perform work that is the responsibility of an external contractor.”
In other words, it’s the contractor’s fault.
“After suspicion arose about him, he was checked, and it was found that he had impersonated someone else and was an illegal resident in Israel. The suspect was arrested and questioned.”
That was three weeks later. That’s 21 days, 504 hours. If he were a terrorist, we could have had a repeat of the King David hotel episode:
The police continued: “We emphasize that when he entered the compound, his luggage was checked as usual and security agents supervised his work so that the suspect did not have the opportunity to walk around the compound.”
We hope.