Photo Credit: U.S. State Dept. / M. Dahlan Office)
Mohamed Dahlan (right), a former PA security commander in the Gaza Strip, is one of the major critics and rivals of PA President Mahmoud Abbas (left), and hopes to succeed him in the presidency.

Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces arrested Akram Abu Shalbak, a Jerusalem journalist and director and editor of the WE ONE website.

Dressed in civilian clothes, Palestinian security personnel arrested the Arab journalist, who holds a blue Israeli identity card, while he was in the village of Aqab last Wednesday, and then transferred him for questioning to Ramallah.


His detention was extended by 10 days on Tuesday and he was prevented from meeting his lawyer.

Shalbak is a political activist, identified with PA Chairman Abbas’s rival Muhammad Dahlan.

This arrest follows a series of arrests of Dahlan’s people, due to fears and tensions within Fatah, ahead of the possible upcoming Palestinian Authority elections.

In recent months, more than 15 of Dahlan supporters, including residents of eastern Jerusalem, have been arrested.

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Baruch reports on Arab affairs for TPS.