Photo Credit: Flash 90
Ahed Tamimi is brought into the IDF Military Court inside Ofer military prison near Jerusalem, Dec. 28, 2017.

The IDF military court has added five more days to the remand of 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi of Nebi Saleh, who has been the star of her family’s videos of provocations aimed at IDF soldiers, all of which have been generously equipped and supported with funding, training and supplies from the European Union-funded far-left B’Tselem NGO, since she was in elementary school.

But this past week Ahed finally stepped over the line with a slap across the face of an IDF soldier among the other various provocations she, her mother and her cousin aimed at him and a second soldier as well. The soldier, aware of the camera and the selective editing that takes place before the videos are sent out, restrained himself and did not respond.


The video instantly went viral as usual, this time not only among happy leftists around the world, but also among thoroughly outraged Israelis and pro-Zionist activists who started demanding to know when “enough is enough.”

By nightfall, female IDF soldiers had appeared at the Tamimi home to take the young video star into custody, along with cousin Nour who had helped with the provocations, and Nariman, her mom, who also was featured in the video.

The military prosecutor told the court on Thursday that he intends to file indictments against all three of the provocateurs. Ahed is to face charges of attacking soldiers, according to sources related to the court, which is located inside Ofer military prison, near Jerusalem.

An extension for the remand of Nariman Tamimi until Monday was granted by the court.

Nour was ordered released by the court, but a 48-hour delay was approved in order to allow time for an appeal by the Military Advocate General.

Over the past two years there have been a number of incidents in which Ahed Tamimi has attacked IDF soldiers in a variety of ways — spitting at them, poking them, pushing them, hitting them, kicking them, throwing rocks at them and trying to block them from carrying out arrests.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.