Photo Credit: Flash90
Mahmoud Abbas at the Muqata, July 16, 2015.

According to WAFA, the official Palestinian Authority’s news agency, “the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, received, this Thursday evening, at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah, Israeli Minister Benny Gantz. From his part (sic.), Minister Gantz extended congratulations to the president and the Palestinian people on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.”

Before we move on with the friendly meeting, some background: nothing represents more bluntly the assembly of lies at the core of Islam which is aimed at denying the veracity of the Torah than Eid al-Adha (Holiday of the Sacrifice).


According to Oxford Islamic Studies, it honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience to Allah’s command. Before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, however, Allah provided him with a lamb which he was supposed to kill in his son’s place because of his willingness to sacrifice his own son in the name of Allah. In commemoration of this intervention, animals are ritually slaughtered. One-third of their meat is consumed by the family which offers the animal, while the rest of the meat is distributed to the poor and the needy. Sweets and gifts are given, and extended family get-togethers are celebrated.

In other words, the illiterate caravan security guard Mohammed stole from the stories he had heard from traveling Jewish merchants the story of the Akeida (the Binding of Isaac), changed the names, and created a nice Islamic tradition for the whole family.

And that is what Israel’s defense minister, Benny Gantz, honored Thursday night. Somebody, make sure he comes to shul on Rosh Hashanah to hear our version.

The two, who hadn’t met since the onslaught of Arab terrorist murders in the streets of Israeli cities last March, discussed President Joe Biden’s visit to the region next week. But there was more: Ganz asked that the Palestinian Authority expand its security activities in Area A, to prevent future massacres of Israeli civilians. He also pleaded with Abbas to refrain from suing Israel in the International Criminal Court in The Hague, despite the fact that such lawsuits constitute a violation of the Oslo Agreements and should be punished.

In exchange for Abbas agreeing not to go Dutch, Gantz offered to increase the number of work permits issued to PA Arab workers; make it easier for PA Arabs to travel abroad through the new Ramon Airport; and establish a symbolic PA military presence at the Allenby crossing to Jordan.

Who said terrorism doesn’t pay?

The defense ministry issued this press release Thursday night: “The meeting was conducted in a good spirit and positive atmosphere. The two discussed during their meeting the security and civilian challenges in the area. The Defense Minister updated Abbas on the complexity of the coming period in Israel, and the two agreed to continue close security coordination and avoid measures that would harm stability.”

Happy binding of Ishmael day.

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