Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
IDF bulldozer demolishes home of Neve Tzuf murderer

Almost a month after the attack in which three members of the Salomon family from Neve Tzuf were murdered during a Friday night dinner, an IDF Corps of Engineers unit early Wednesday morning destroyed the home belonging to the terrorist Omar al-Jalil in nearby Kobar village.

Kobar is identified with the arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti who is in Israeli prison. According to the residents of Neve Tzuf, Kobar is also the home of the terrorists who set fire to homes in their community during a wave of arson attacks seven months ago.


The terrorist’s family members were arrested for questioning last week, on suspicion of failing to prevent a crime. The investigation revealed that they had known shortly before the massacre in Neveh Tzuf that Omar was planning to carry out an attack, but did not act to stop him. His father, mother, two brothers and a few cousins were taken for questioning by the Israel Police and their cases were transferred to the Military Advocate General’s Office.

About three hours before taking off on his murderous spree, the 19-year-old terrorist posted on his Facebook page that he intended to kill Jews in response to the conflict over the Temple Mount, commenting that “there is no life after what’s been happening in Al-Aqsa.”

His father said: “My son defended Al-Aqsa,” possibly in the manner of the old Czarist slogan: “Kill a Jew, defend Mother Russia.” The killer’s old man also insisted his son “acted alone, without any organizational affiliation.”

Unfortunately, due to one brave IDF soldier’s interpretation of the rules of engagement, instead of meeting his righteous sentence, Omar al-Jalil will linger for years as a guest of the Israeli taxpayers in security prison, enhancing his killing skills and awaiting the next prisoner swap.

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