Photo Credit: Arab social networks
The two terrorists who were killed by the IDF, Abdel-Fattah Salahaddin Jabara and Ahmed Mustafa Rajab, June 4, 2024.

The IDF spokesman reported that overnight Tuesday, two armed terrorists approached the seamline fence between the Palestinian Authority and Israel from the direction of Tulkarem, to carry out a shooting attack on Israeli settlements. The two were inside a vehicle at the Niztanei Oz checkpoint and were killed in an exchange of fire by soldiers of Unit 636, who then confiscated their weapons.

A weapon confiscated from the dead terrorists, June 4, 2024. / IDF Spokesperson

The two terrorists, Abdel-Fattah Salahaddin Jabara and Ahmed Mustafa Rajab, both from the Tulkarem “refugee” camp, were killed as part of a planned ambush designed to catch terrorists who were shooting at the settlements adjacent to the fence in the seamline area.


The IDF spokesperson’s statement has no official reference to the organizational affiliation of the terrorists and their direct connection to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, even though the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades issued an official mourning notice and a press release in which they took responsibility for the attack and lamented the killing of the terrorists.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades issued an official mourning notice for the terrorists, June 4, 2024. / Twitter screenshot

According to PA law, the families of both terrorists will receive martyrs’ pensions for the rest of their lives.

The Palestinian Authority security forces are designated by the Biden administration to take over governing the Gaza Strip after the war.

Tuesday’s killing of the two terrorists comes less than a week after the shooting at Bat Hefer near Tulkarem last week. That shooting did not cause any damage and there were no casualties, but it caused great panic among the residents (Tulkarem Terrorists Post Video of their Firing on Jewish Town near Netanya). In the video released by Hamas at the time, the terrorists are seen wearing a Hamas bandana, driving to the seamline, getting out of their vehicle with weapons, approaching the fence – and opening fire. Hours after that shooting, there was another shooting, this time from the Jenin area, at the settlement of Gan Ner in Gilboa.

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