Photo Credit: Amir Levy/Flash 90
Saeb Erekat

While we’re all anticipating the final results of Israel’s 23rd Knesset election, which, with 90% of the votes counted appears to have favored the rightwing bloc under PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, it is evident that the Palestinian Authority, which last had a democratic national election back in 2005 (Mahmoud Abbas won), is unhappy with the score across the unofficial border.

PLO secretary general Saeb Erekat had this marvel of new insight to share on Tuesday morning: “It is obvious that settlement, occupation and apartheid have won the Israeli elections. Netanyahu’s campaign was about the continuation of the occupation and conflict, which will force the people of the region to live by the sword: continuation of violence, extremism and chaos.”


Thanks for the warning.

Mustafa Barghouti, PLO member and head of the Palestinian National Initiative, said the Israeli elections was “a vote for right-wing populist extremism and racism. It proves the extent of the turn of the Israeli society towards horrid racism and the consolidation of the racist apartheid system against the Palestinian people. It also indicates the growing weight and influence of colonial settlers in the occupied territories on Israeli decisions.”

So, not happy.

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