Photo Credit: Ahmad Khateib/ Flash90
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh in northern Gaza Strip, November 8, 2006.

Somebody tell presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris: the folks with whom you want Israel to enshrine a two-state solution are not happy with the killing of Hamas arch-murderer Ismail Haniyeh. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas “strongly condemned the assassination of Hamas leader and political bureau Ismail Haniyeh and considered it a cowardly act and a dangerous development.” He “called on the Palestinian people to unite, be patient and steadfast in the face of the Israeli occupation.”

Mind you, on May 2, 2011, when US commando forces killed Osama bin Laden, Abbas congratulated President Obama on the assassination while Haniyeh called bin Laden a saint and a martyr and condemned his assassination, declaring: “We see this as a continuation of the American policy which is based on the oppression and shedding of Muslim and Arab blood… We condemn the assassination and killing of a holy Arab warrior. May Allah grant him mercy alongside the true believers and the martyrs.”


Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the PLO Hussein al-Sheikh tweeted his condemnation of Haniyeh’s assassination: “We strongly denounce and condemn the assassination of the head of the Political Bureau, the national leader, Ismail Haniyeh. … This pushes us to remain more steadfast in the face of the occupation, and the necessity of achieving the unity of the Palestinian forces and factions.”

One chapter of this unity was the “Palestinian civil war” of 2007, when Hamas murdered dozens of PLO officials, including at least one who was documented being tied up and thrown out of a 15th-floor window in Gaza City.

Anyway, rooftop, smoooftop, the national and Islamic forces in the PA declared a general strike to condemn Haniyeh’s assassination. The forces mourned the great leader in a press statement stressing that “this cowardly assassination will not break the will and steadfastness of Palestinian people, but will increase their determination and resolve to move forward by adhering to their rights and national constants until freedom and independence.”

Ismail Haniyeh next to the last Hamas leader left to be with the prophet peace be with him, March 25, 2017.

Finally, on a personal note: I used to taunt Israel Beitenu Chairman MK Avigdor Liberman who said on April 16, 2016, “If I’m the defense minister, I give Mr. Haniyeh (Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh, a senior political leader of Hamas) 48 hours: either you return the [IDF soldiers’] bodies and the [two wayward Israeli] civilians [held by Hamas], or you’re dead.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you should order for yourself a plot in the nearest cemetery. That’s the only way,” Lieberman concluded his threat.

As these strange things tend to happen, on May 30, 2016, Avigdor Liberman was appointed Israel’s Defense Minister, and the taunting began: Is he dead yet? Is he dead yet? Yes, just like the Simpsons kids.

A website was established, with a timer, asking “Is Ismail Haniyeh Dead Yet?” – which I used to go to on slow news days, to add another jab in the side of Israel’s right-left-wing, pro-anti-Haredi, peace-war and so much more politician Avigdor (Ivet) Liberman.

Well, no more. The Mossad has ruined a great Jewish tradition by putting an end to everybody’s favorite bloodthirsty maniac Ismail Haniyeh. This morning, if you check the “Is Ismail Haniyeh Dead Yet?” website you’ll find this:

Is Ismail Haniyeh Dead Yet?


That is exactly

3,000 DAYS
72,000 HOURS
Avigdor Liberman said that he would kill him

It took only
8 Years
2 Months
2 Weeks
3 Days
5 Hours
12 Minutes
18 Seconds

So, here’s to the last time I embed this YouTube video in my article. Pass the baklawas!

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