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IDF bulldozers working to open a road that separates between Jewish and Arab cars at the Gush Etzion junction, following terror attacks in the area.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised the settler leadership an investment of some $230 Million in infrastructure development in Judea and Samaria starting in 2018, Ma’ariv reported Wednesday. Yesha Council Chairman Avi Roeh announced the plan after a meeting with the prime minister.

According to Roeh, Netanyahu’s infrastructure plan includes road development for the entire population of Judea and Samaria.


Roeh said, following the meeting with the prime minister, that “this is a significant and strategic message to all the populations living in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. After a long period of intensive work with officials in various government ministries, the prime minister is leading—along with the settlements, an appropriate response that bridges a gap [between the territories and green line Israel] borne by decades [of discrimination] in transportation and infrastructure.”

“We were pleased to see that the prime minister is committed to upgrading the infrastructure,” Roeh said.

The Wednesday meeting took place following a meeting Netanyahu had held several weeks earlier with the heads of the local municipalities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, during which the settler leadership presented the prime minister with a letter, signed by all the municipal heads, demanding an end to the discrimination and rapid action towards equality in the budget allocated to infrastructure – on either side of the green line.

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