Photo Credit: Nadav Goldstein/TPS
Scene of the terror attack near Shechem. Nov. 4, 2020

Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council, called on the state of Israel to declare the Palestinian Authority’s Preventive Security Forces a terrorist organization.

Dagan made the demand following Wednesday’s terror attack in which Bilal Adnan Rawajbeh, a captain in the Palestinian Authority’s Preventive Security Forces, fired at IDF soldiers stationed south of Shechem (Nablus).


The soldiers responded quickly and killed the terrorist. There were Israeli injuries in the attack.

“The terrorist today joins a line of terrorists who carried out horrific attacks, from which were killed, for example, Staff Sgt. Ihab Khatib, who was killed by an officer from the Preventive Security Service, Meir Chai and Ido Zoldan who were killed by Palestinian police officers, and Yosef Livnat, who was killed by Palestinian policemen in uniform,” he said.

“The Preventive Service should be treated like Hamas, and every moment they hold weapons is a real danger to Israel’s security,” he noted.

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