Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO
A view of the aftermath of the Sbarro Pizza bombing in Jerusalem on Aug 9, 2001

August 9, 2022, is the 21st anniversary of the attack on the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. Fifteen people were murdered, including five members of one family, and 130 people were injured.

As a reward for carrying out the attack, the Palestinian Authority pays a total of $8,937 (NIS 27,800) each month to the five imprisoned terrorists and the families of the three dead terrorists who were involved in the attack.


The current total paid to the terrorists is $1,421,940. The monthly payment to each terrorist will continue to rise the longer the terrorists are in prison.

Every month, the PA pays terrorist Abdallah Barghouti NIS 7,300 ($2,347).

Every month, the PA pays terrorist Jamal Abu Al-Hija NIS 8,300 ($2,668). Having now completed 20 years in prison, this month Abu Al-Hija’s rose to NIS 8,300 from NIS 7,300.

Every month, the PA pays terrorist Bilal Barghouti NIS 8,000 ($2,572). Having completed 20 years in prison, in April 2022, the PA raised the monthly salary it pays Barghouti to NIS 8,300 from NIS 7,300.

Every month the PA pays the family of the terrorist suicide bomber, Izz Al-Din Al-Masri NIS 1,400 ($450).

Every month the PA pays the family of the dead terrorist Qeis Adwan NIS 1,400 ($450).

Every month the PA pays the family of the dead terrorist Ayman Halawah NIS 1,400 ($450).

Every month the PA pays a certain amount to the terrorists Muhammad Daghlas and Ahlam Tamimi as well. While they were arrested and convicted for their part in the attack, these two terrorists were released in 2011, as part of the deal to secure the freedom of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who had been held captive by Hamas.

While the Palestinian Authority Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners No. 19 of 2004 and regulations promulgated pursuant to the law guarantee these terrorists a monthly salary, Palestinian Media Watch does not have information regarding the current amounts of these payments.

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IDF Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch is the director of Legal Strategies for Palestinian Media Watch. He served for 19 years in the IDF Military Advocate General Corps. In his last position, he served as director of the Military Prosecution in Judea and Samaria.