Photo Credit: Flash90
Mahmoud Abbas and Donald Trump in Bethlehem

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday shared a letter on his Truth Social platform from Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The letter, dated July 14, was posted several hours after Trump had announced his upcoming Friday meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The letter from Abbas wasn’t made public until Trump shared it on his social media account.

Barak Ravid revealed on Axios on Wednesday that in April 2021 Trump told him that what he took away from his four years of working with Israel and the PA was that Abbas wanted peace and Netanyahu didn’t.


“I thought he was terrific,” Trump told Ravid about his first meeting with Abbas. “He was almost like a father. Couldn’t have been nicer. I thought he wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu.”

Is Trump practicing his notorious business style of letting two underlings fight each other to the death? The lad learned so much from good old Roy Cohn.


“Looking forward to seeing Bibi Netanyahu on Friday, and even more forward to achieving Peace in the Middle East!” Trump said on the Truth Social platform, attaching a letter written to him by Abbas one day after the failed assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“It is with grave concern that I have received news and later on watched footage of your attempted assassination,” Abbas wrote Trump, stressing that acts of violence must not have a place in a world of law and order. “Respect for the other with tolerance and valuing of human life is what must prevail,” adding, “Despicable acts of attempted or successful assassinations are acts of weakness with failed understanding of peaceful measures to resolve conflicts. Differences must be resolved through communications with freedom of expression.”

Are you kidding me? Does anyone recall it was Trump who assassinated Qasem Soleimani in 2020?

“Mahmoud, so nice. Thank You. Everything will be Good,” Trump responded. “During my first term, we had Peace and Stability in the Region, even signing the historic Abraham Accords – And we will have it again. Just as I have said in discussions with President Zelensky and other World Leaders in recent weeks, my PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH Agenda will demonstrate to the World that these horrible, deadly Wars and violent Conflicts must end. Millions are dying, and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it,” he said.

In January 2020, Abbas refused to take a phone call from then-President Donald Trump ahead of the release of Trump’s long-awaited Middle East Peace Plan. The PA stated its rejection of the Trump peace plan even before it had been made public. Ramallah cut off all contact with Washington after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017. A week after refusing to pick up the phone, Abbas convened a special meeting of the PLO where he called for a wide condemnation from Arab governments of Trump’s peace proposals.

Responding to Barak Ravid’s inquiry, a Trump proxy rushed to make the case that the former president couldn’t be more pro-Israel, reminding Ravid that besides recognizing Jerusalem and moving the US embassy there, Trump “stopped funding to the UNRWA, ended the horrific Iran Nuclear Deal, negotiated the historic Abraham Accords, recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel, signed an executive order Combatting Anti-Semitism on campuses” – and more.

Of course, he did, but then, you know, being the modern-day Achashverosh that he is (even as we hope he is more like Cyrus the Great), I fear that Trump routinely shifts his views according to the latest Haman that whispers sweet nothings into his ear.

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