Speaking at a celebration of Israel’s 71st anniversary held at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The White House has a vision for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, which we will unveil this summer. It offers an opportunity, although no guarantee, that we hope we can have a brighter future for the Palestinian people.”


He promised that President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” would be unveiled this summer.

As if to illustrate Pompeo’s cautious proviso, the president’s peace envoy to the Middle East on Wednesday tweeted in Arabic: “The Palestinians have long been hostage to United Nations resolutions, regional policies, donor fatigue and weak leadership, and it has been 70 years – three generations of Palestinians – who have suffered so much.”

To which one user, Beirut T. Hamoud, responded, also in Arabic: “True, Mr. Greenblatt, our people have suffered a lot, and we thank you for your recognition. Ending the continuing suffering and reaching a just and comprehensive peace begins with the first colonizer leaving my land and apologizing for everything he has done for the past 71 years for me and my people.”

And another user, يوسف خريس, responded: “The basic issue is the occupation of a homeland that its owners believe to be the right and they must lift the occupation by all means and that the current power of the occupation does not make the occupation legitimate no matter how long it takes you, Americans, your people occupy the land of the Indians after their destruction and your colonial mind can not know the meaning of the homeland.”

Greenblatt also tweeted, again in Arabic: “We offer comprehensive and lasting peace by making clear that the international community is fully committed to providing a brighter future for today’s Palestinians and their children.”

To which user Raed Mousa responded: “There is no bright future under the occupation.”

So, not much success in communication this time around. Good thing Pompeo made sure to add there were no guarantees for a bright future. At least someone in the State Department speaks Arabic…

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David writes news at JewishPress.com.