Israeli former Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman was formally indicted on Sunday on charges of breach of trust and fraud, and could also be charged with moral turpitude.

Liberman is accused of trying to promote the career of a former ambassador to Belarus after he relayed confidential information to him about an investigation into Liberman’s business dealings.


The former ambassador, Ze’ev Ben-Aryeh, reached a plea bargain with the state prosecutor’s office earlier this year.

If Liberman is charged with moral turpitude, he could be prevented from running for elected office for a minimum of 7 years.

Liberman’s Yisrael Beiteynu party is running on a joint list with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party in the upcoming elections.

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Malkah Fleisher is a graduate of Cardozo Law School in New York City. She is an editor/staff writer at and co-hosts a weekly Israeli FM radio show. Malkah lives with her husband and two children on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.