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Rachel E. Freier

Attorney Rachel (Ruchy) E. Freier last week won the highly contested Democratic primary for Civil Court judge in Brooklyn’s fifth judicial district. She is the first Orthodox woman from a chassidic background to win a primary for a judicial position.

Endorsed by The Jewish Press, Ms. Freier essentially ran against the Jewish political and organizational establishment.


“She had an overwhelming outpouring of support from the entire district,” said communal and political activist Rabbi Shlomo Braun.

“There was a feeling among the people who voted for her that she would certainly be an outstanding asset,” he added. “She has the proper judicial temperament for being a judge, and her background encompasses understanding, humility, common sense, and good moral judgment.”

In an Aug. 12 editorial The Jewish Press announced it was “enthusiastically” endorsing Freier, noting that in addition to being a successful attorney she serves as director of Ezras Nashim, the first all-female volunteer EMT corps, which responds to emergency calls from women, and was the founder of B’Derech, a GED program for chassidic young men.

“Ms. Freier’s activism,” the editorial stated, “stems from her admiration for Sarah Schenirer, the pioneer of the Bais Yaakov movement. Her election to the civil court would be an inspiration to all frum girls, from chassidic as well as non-chassidic backgrounds.”

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