Kotel Stone Shipped to 2025 World Expo in Osaka to Be Touched by 28...
The Israeli Foreign Ministry is planning a special operation to transport a stone from the Western Wall to Japan for display at the Osaka Expo.
Rothman: Sanctions Against Israelis Based on Lies Promoted by the UN
"Whenever a Jew and sometimes not even a Jew goes on the Temple Mount to visit and there are no violent acts whatsoever, it is counted by the UN as 'settler violence.'"
Japan’s Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassinated, Was Friend of Israel
Abe was Japan's longest-serving prime minister and a friend of Israel.
Japanese Museum Marks Rescue of Jewish Refugees Who Landed at Tsuruga Port
In 1947, the Japanese foreign office asked Sugihara to resign because of "that incident" in Lithuania.
Israeli Gymnast Artem Dolgopyat Wins Gold Medal
"Hatikva has been played in the gymnastics arena in Tokyo and the flag of Israel is flying high."
Director of Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony Sacked for Making Fun of the Holocaust
Wiki offers a huge list of Olympic Games scandals and controversies.