Photo Credit: Jamal Awad/Flash90
PLO flags flew as family and friends greeted Karim Younis, released after 40 years for murdering an IDF soldier, at Ar'ara, Jan. 5, 2023.

The Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI), a Canadian Jewish advocacy organization, condemned Canada’s government this week for “complicity in aiding and abetting Palestinian terrorism.”

“This follows the murder of seven Israelis in Jerusalem exactly one week ago. Among them was a 14-year-old boy and a newly-married couple, one of whom was murdered while attempting to resuscitate her spouse,” AGPI stated, reported Arutz Sheva.


In an article on the main page of the National Post newspaper, AGPI revealed Canada’s role in subsidizing the Palestinian Authority.

The NGO chastised the Canadian government for providing the P.A. with $48 million in 2021, and an average of $23 million annually, which they claimed was “all funneled” through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

AGPI also accused the Biden administration of continuing to fund P.A. terrorism.

“Worse, this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken rewarded last week’s terrorist attack by announcing an additional $50 million—on top of the $890 million already given to the Palestinians in the last two years,” AGPI said.

“With a per capita GDP of roughly $3,500 and an average unemployment rate of 25 percent, the P.A. simply could not afford to pay for the salaries of terrorists without international assistance,” it added.

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