Photo Credit: Arthur A. Gleason via Wikimedia
Opening of McGill's Student Union building, 1906

The undergraduate students’ union at McGill University, a public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on September 17 upheld its decision from a year ago that boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) motions against Israel violate its constitution, Canadian Jewish News reported Wednesday.

Muna Tojiboeva, the new union president, announced that the students’ union board “exercised its duty to vote on a judicial board decision that was left outstanding for 15 months.”


The judicial board found that BDS motions breach its equity policy, which prohibits discrimination against any student it represents, including on the basis of national origin.

Rabbi Reuben Poupko, co-chairman of the Quebec Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) applauded the move, stating, “The SSMU board of directors and judicial board should be commended for recognizing that the BDS movement creates a discriminatory environment for Jewish and pro-Israel students on campus that ultimately undermines academic freedom and dialogue for all.”

“The leadership demonstrated by the SSMU to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all students should inspire student governments across Canada to adopt a clear and principled position against the divisive and regressive politics of BDS,” Rabbi Poupko said.

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