Photo Credit: Google Maps
Congregation Schara Tzedeck synagogue in Vancouver.

Vancouver Police is investigating an arson outside a Modern Orthodox synagogue on Oak at W. 18th Avenue at 9:20 PM last Thursday as a possible hate crime. The VPD confirmed that the assailants used an accelerant to light a fire at the front doors of Congregation Schara Tzedeck synagogue.

An alert passerby notified members of the synagogue that their building had caught fire. Acting swiftly, one congregant used his jacket to smother the flames, which were rapidly spreading to the second floor. Though the quick response prevented a catastrophe, the exterior of the building sustained charring from the blaze.


Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt told reporters, “We’re glad we didn’t wake up to a pile of ashes.”

Rabbi Rosenblatt told CBC News that members of the congregation were standing outside when the fire was set.

“There was no one in the building at that particular moment, but it was … I would say within a 10-minute window of people being in the building,” he said.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the attack, saying, “A synagogue in Vancouver was attacked last night in another disgusting act of antisemitism. We cannot let this hate or these acts of violence stand. This is not the Canada we want to be.”

Police Constable Tania Visintin said, “This fire was intentionally set at a place of worship for the Jewish community. While we collect evidence to identify the person responsible, we’re also working closely with faith leaders and community members to ensure everyone’s safety.”

Additional officers have been positioned at various locations in the city, including synagogues, Jewish community centers, religious schools, and public schools in the area, according to the VPD.

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