A spokesman for the Bavarian Health Ministry on Monday announced that a man had been diagnosed with the coronavirus in Starnberg, 18 miles south of Munich, but he is in a “medically good state.” The statement said the man was under surveillance in an isolation ward and that the risk of infection for the people of Bavaria is currently considered to be “low,” Deutsche Welle reported.

The health ministry’s statement noted that “people who have been in contact [with the patient] have been informed in detail about possible symptoms, hygiene measures and transmission channels.”


Meanwhile, China announced on Tuesday that 106 people had died from the coronavirus. The death toll on Monday was officially 81.

Thailand reported 14 cases of coronavirus on Tuesday, up from 8, becoming the second most infected country. Hong Kong also has 8; the US, Taiwan, Australia and Macau have 5 each; Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia have 4 each; France has 3; Canada and Vietnam have 2; Nepal, Cambodia and Germany have 1 each.

There have been no deaths as a result of a coronavirus infection outside China.

According to the National Health Commission, the number of confirmed cases has increased from 2,835 on Monday to 4,515 on Tuesday, with the youngest victim being a 9-month-old girl in Beijing.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday recommended travelers avoid all nonessential trips to China. The warning stressed that transportation in and out of the center of the virus’s outbreak, Hubei Province in China, is restricted, with “limited access to adequate medical care in affected areas.”

International health agencies warn travelers in China to avoid contact with sick people, animal markets and uncooked meats, talk to health care providers and wash hands frequently (brilliant).

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David writes news at JewishPress.com.