Photo Credit: Michael Turknitz
The evacuation of Ein Samiya, May 25, 2023.

The EU is demanding that Israel repay the funds that were spent to establish a school in an illegal village in Binyamin, in Area C which is under complete Israeli control according to the Oslo Agreements.


The school in question was demolished by the IDF Civil Administration, since it had been built without permits or authorization, in an area where the Administration has full sovereignty.

Last June, left-wing organizations claimed that the village was evacuated because of “settler violence,” but the village has been recently shown to be active. The European Commission is demanding compensation for the building they funded and is threatening to sue unless Israel comes up with the money.

Lach Yerushalayim and Im Tirtzu respond to the absurd demand, saying: “The criminals are demanding compensation. A new concept for the EU’s hostile Commission for PA Territory. We reiterate our call on the Foreign Minister to immediately summon the EU representative for a reprimand and to act to stop the EU from funding additional illegal construction. In addition, the government must continue to vigorously enforce the laws against illegal construction and prosecute the EU for breaking the law.”

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